Loved this series! The icky feelings sparked by the first couple of times you say 'no' are definitely down to the rewiring of your neural pathways in your brain, and that's why a natural response is guilt and toxic thoughts about laziness, etc. The more times you do something that makes you uncomfortable, the easier it gets and, eventually, it's just a natural response.

I also love the idea of a 'healthy flex zone' and while it's our job to set our own boundaries, and surrounding yourself with people who don't take advantage of you.

Oh god and finally that section about being uncomfortable with needing help is my biggest weakness of all, and the thing I've struggled with most in recent years especially after having a baby, etc.

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Thank you so much ❤️

You’re completely right - it literally is rewiring your brain 😭 I do way more boundary setting now but it’s the agonising about it afterwards that I haven’t managed to conquer yet!

For what it’s worth I do think people in our field of work seem to have similar traits and challenges - and asking for help is one of the struggles! We’re all so damn insistent on figuring it out on our own!

I can only imagine how difficult that is when looking after a little one as well but remember you deserve to be looked after too 🥰

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